Abby turned 4 months on Wed. She went to the doc and here are her current measurements:
Wt: 12 lbs 10.5 Oz 29th Percentile
Ht: 24.5 in- 60th Percentile
She is a little small but so was I!! Those cheeks don't look small. She said it is because her stomach is small so she can't eat as much. We fed her rice cereal for the first time and it was the funniest thing!! I don't think any of it went in her mouth!! The Doctor said I could give her food after a week or 2 of rice cereal so I am excited. She said it will help her weight a bit.
Other than that nothing else is going on. I am working 3 days a week and Greg is doing a wonderful job at watching Abby for 12 hours!! Its hard but we are getting through it. Pumping at work is starting to get annoying but I know it is the best thing for Abby so I am dealing with it.
One more thing, I am back to driving my old Jeep, THULE!!!! Greg had to give up his company car and we needed another car so we went to Utah and picked it up. It is so Ghetto now!! It has 175,000 miles and sounds like its gonna break when you drive it and the paint is peeling off but I love it. My bro drove it in high school and put a new stereo with a subwoofer (I don't know how to spell) so that makes it very cool!! ha ha
Way to go on cooking the whole meal for Thanksgiving!
I hope I get to see those chubby cheeks in person soon!
Abby has gotten so much bigger! She definitely has Greg's eyes. Congrats on making Thanksgiving dinner, that is a huge undertaking.
Isn't feeding them solids so fun?! HAH I think its great! Abby is so darling, she's teeny! Hannah is almost 16 pounds and she's over 26 inches! haha Abby is going to be so petite and cute and Hannah will be this tall, big (but cute) girl. :) I'm sure Abby will start bulking up when she starts eating more foods. We can't WAIT to see you over Christmas and to especially meet the babe! We love you guys!
Oh my gosh Abbie looks so much like Greg in that 1st picture! I was thinking about THULE the other day. I have a lot of memories in that car, mostly in college. Good Job on cooking Thanksgiving. Greg is a lucky man, I would have said Forget It!
Yeah she's a huge eater! I started her on rice cereal and from the beginning she did great with it. I mixed it with water and first and she wasn't crazy about it, so I started mixing it with breast milk or formula and she likes it now. Sometimes I mix a little banana with it or some other fruit and that works too. Have you started Abby on any fruits yet?
Oh my goodness! Abby is so cute! I wanna squeeze those chubby cheeks! I hope we get to see you guys over the holidays and meet that teensy little Abby gal!
My favorite cousin is sooo cute!! I am so excited to come down and see her! I love the drool picture and the one in the bathroom... just chillin so flippin cute!! I miss my Jeep but I am glad you got your back:)
So cute! I love that she likes her Boppy. Jackson never really liked it. I too am impressed that you made thanksgiving dinner.
I'm impressed with the dinner! That's so much work. Abby is the cutest thing . . . I want to squeeze those cheeks. Hopefully soon? Please say you are coming to Utah over the holidays.
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