Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This last weekend we went to St George. We were able to hang out with our USU friends Josh and Ashley and Hailey, John, and Grace. It so fun to see them. Abby finally got to meet one of her little friends Grace. She is so cute. She kept trying to climb on Abby and was very interested in her. Abby tried to eat her hand at dinner! Abby doesn't interact with other babies very much so it was fun to see. We also had fun haning out with my fam!
Not much else is going o n. Abby is getting bigger and bigger. She weighed 14lbs 9 oz at her 6 month appt. (she is only in the 25th percentile)She wants to crawl so bad but can't figure it out. She still doesn't nap well, but we are over it. She gets on her stomach and just moves her legs and arms really fast but doesn't go anywhere!! She is eating baby food and not throwing up!! Hooray!! I am still working but am moving to the hospital that is much closer which will be way better. Greg is still doing a great job at watching Abby. He is currently going to University of PHeonix to get his MBA. Other than that our lives are not very exciting. Abby is the most exciting and the best part.

Abby and Jack are best buds!!

Greg took this pic today and it looks like a modeling pose or something.

Abby in her blow up bathtub that she absolutely loves!! I can't beive I didn't get this out sooner.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


My grandpa (Pop) passed away about 2 weeks ago so last week we headed to the freezing cold of Salt lake and Provo for the funeral and to be with family. He had a very bad heart and was ready to end his suffering so it was a bittersweet time. He wrote his funeral arrangements and obituary a couple of months ago. He chose me to be a speaker at the funeral. I found this out the day he passed and I was shocked and freaked out. I was so honored that he chose me out of everyone to speak and it ended up being a wonderful experience. The funeral was nice (for a funeral). I learned some new things about him that I never knew. He paid for several young mens missions, he took old food from Costco to the homeless shelter every week, He took his best friends grandkids fishing numerous times, and so many other great things. He was so fun to be around and I learned many great things from him. I know that he is in a better place now and that I will see him again someday. It was very nice to see so many friends and family while we were up there.
This is Abby and Pop about 2 weeks before he passed away. I am so glad I took this picture (thanks dad)
Abby and her second cousin Carina.
Abby and my best friend Heather. I am so glad they got to meet finally.

Abby got to meet her great grandma Birdie finally.

Abby and dad at the funeral in the frigid cold. I am sooo glad I don't live there anymore. It is way too cold for me.

Abby playing at great grandma Birdie's house. I sent this picture to the regis and kelly show for the baby contest!!

Dinner with some High School friends. Amanda, Elisa, and Heather. It was so good to see them.