1. What is YOurWhat is your husband's name? Gregory Maxwell Church
2.Who eats more? Hmmm It kind of depends but usually Greg. Right now it might be me. Greg never eats breakfast though.
3. Who said I love you first? Greg did then finally one night I ran up to his room and told him and then left. I am kind of retarded.
4. Who is taller? Definitely Greg by at least 5-6 inches
5. Who is smarter? It depends on the subject but I think Greg wins overall. He is much smarter in history and politics and stuff like that but I win hands down in science stuff.
6. Who is more sensitive? I feel the same way as Whitney about this one. I am hands down more sensitive. Greg never gets emotional. I have a feeling when this little girl comes I may see a more sensitive side of him come out.
7. Who does the laundry? ha ha. Totally me. I think Greg has forgotton how to do laundry.

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do in every bed we sleep in.
9. Who pays the bills? I actually pay most of the bills. Most of them are online and automatic its very nice. My dad got me microsoft money so its way easy.
10. Who cooks more? Totally me. I don't think Greg ever cooks unless I am at work and he heats something up in the microwave or oven. I lied, he does most of the grilling outside and is very good at it. But in the kitchen he does not cook.
11. What meals do you cook together? Only meals that require a bbq. Greg cooks the meat and I cook the side dishes.
12. Who is more stubborn? ha ha totally Greg. He is very stubborn. If he doesn't want to do something, he is not gonna do it. I think our daughter might just be stubborn too.
13. Who is the first to admit it when they are wrong? I would have to say me. I think Greg has a hard time admitting he is wrong.
14. Who is more clean? I would say we are equal on that in different ways. Greg would probably say that he is more clean. He never hangs up his shirts but my car i
s a disaster. (he gives me crap all the time for that one). Sometimes I leave things out. He doesn't always do his dishes either. We are definietly equal.
15. Who has more siblings? Greg...he has 3 sisters and one brother with 7 neices and nephews. I only have one brother.
16. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I think we are equal
17. What do you like to do together? We like to go to movies or watch them at home and go out to dinner. We also like to walk our dog. When we get the oppurtunity we like to travel.
18. Who eats more sweets? I think Greg wins on that one. He is a big dessert guy.
19. Guilty pleasures? I would have to say ice cream for greg and maybe in and out burger.
20. How did you meet? We met in college at Utah State. We first met at a FHE activity at first dam but then he dated my roommate.
21. Who asked who out first? We kind of started with just hanging out alot since we lived so close so I don't really know who officially asked who out.
22. Who kissed who first? Greg invited me over and pulled the move.
23. Who proposed? Greg did at the beach lookout in LA. He started with a fake ugly ring then pulled out the real one.
24. Best features? I would have to say his eyes and smile. He has pretty blue eyes and a great smile.
25. What is his best quality? Greg has a great sense of humor and is always joking arond and having fun.